The minutes feel like years. A slapping crack echoes through the house, over and over. Thirty-eight of them, to be precise. By the time Santa is done with his justice, Spunk lies a quivering pile of mush on the floor.

With a sad sigh, Santa gives him a pat and whispers, “Maybe next year, little guy. Maybe someone can finally save you.”

With a grunt, Saint Nick stands and stretches his back. Then he turns to face the camera—faces YOU.

With a tired smile and a wink, Santa says, “Don’t think I didn’t notice you there, reader. But don’t fear—according to the list, you’ve been quite nice. You may have had some ups and downs, but you’re reading this, after all. You’re supporting a small little game studio. That’s awfully nice.”

He glances back at Spunk. “I’m sorry you had to see that, but I have a gift for you.”

He holds up his own personal Spank Stick. It glitters in the lights.

“This is for you. I’m hoping I shan’t need it anymore. I’m hoping you’ll be able to save this poor soul this year. I’ll leave the code below.”

With a wink and a touch of the nose, he’s gone. You hear a whisper of, “Merry Christmas,” echo through the room.


A letter sits on the ground, written to you! It reads:

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from TheClassifiedX

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