Spunk takes you through a confusing series of flashing lights and sounds. It almost sounds like a dial up modem to you. The lights and noise suddenly stop, and you take a look around to find…
Nothing. Everything is pitch black, aside from Spunk looking at you.
Spunk - “Wow, I didn’t think the dark web would be so… dark. I can tell there’s stuff here, but I’m not sure where or what they lead to. Let’s see, I think I found a website, let me try poking it.”
Spunk does… something, but you’re not quite sure what or how.
“Hmm, this might be right up your alley! I get a sense of something about booties, worms, something called a trojan. It’s a bit confusing, I’ll open it to find out.”
Before you can react, Spunk opens a connection to a site. You suddenly have a very bad feeling, moreso as strange, evil feeling files come flying out.
Spunk - “Oh god! These are VIRUSES in there! Who could have guessed a sketchy website on the dark web would be filled with viruses? If one of those things touch us, we’ll be dead! Everyone for themselves, I’m out of here!”
Suddenly, Spunk disappears, leaving you alone in the void with a flood of viruses flying towards you. You try to evade, but there is nowhere left to go. A virus touches you, and it feels like a needle injecting you with a foul substance. You can feel it grow inside you, worsened as more and more viruses hit you and inject their code into you.
You only have a few seconds of screaming before you feel your virtual body is bloated, on the verge of exploding. You soon rip apart, spilling out a new wave of viruses onto the dark web.