You look back at his MyFace page and click “Send Friend Request”. It seems to be accepted almost before you even press the button. His friend count goes from -4 to -3.

Spunk - “My new friend! My best friend! Well, maybe not BEST friend, I have someone else that has that role. I also have a sort of friend that’s stuck in the software, but I don’t know if he likes me or not. But you’re definitely second or third! In fact, since this is such a special occasion, I even have a little something special for you at my home! Come with me!”

Before you can react, you’re taken someplace new. It’s a small room, more of a closet really. It’s halfway filled with trash and… other unmentionables. The garbage almost seems to be made into a bed? Or more of a nest? Sitting on top of a pile of… some sort of filth is a small golden box.

Spunk - “That little box is for my friends, but only the ones I trust. Go ahead”, he says with a creepy giggle, “Open it.”

-Open the box