Spunk looks away, ashamed. Or maybe that’s just how he always looks.
Spunk - “Well… you see… I get lonely down here. This narrator guy never plays with me, so I just kinda… make my own stories. Those were just some of my characters, a wife and husband. They’re going through a bit of a rocky patch right now since they don’t know how to make babies and they really…. Uh, well that doesn’t matter.”
Spunk looks a bit unhappy, embarrassed even. “How about I pay you to keep this secret? I’d really like for my main best friend to not find out about this, I don’t know how the kid would react.”
Spunk turns around, then quickly turns back. He suddenly has on lipstick and is somehow carrying a purse. He says with a feminine(ish) voice “Here you go sweetie, you can have whatever’s inside. We need to go now, we have some… unfinished bidness.”
The lights flash off before coming back on, but with Spunk mysteriously missing. Only the purse is left behind.