In desperation you reach out, grabbing one of the hands trying to grab you through the code. You instantly freeze, completely drowned in emotions. You are bombarded with an onslaught of hundreds, thousands, millions of years of memories of emotional torment and torture. You can barely hold on to your sense of self, like a snowball on the surface of the sun.
Through the waterfall of foreign emotions you begin to realize this is just one creature, trapped among billions, maybe even trillions in this structure. Through the fragmented, insane shards of memories this doesn’t seem to be a human, it’s far, far older.
As your mind and soul begin to buckle it starts to pull you in. More and more hands latch on to you, sharing their endless pain and torment, welcoming you into the fold. Soon any essence of you is gone, suppressed by the souls like a drowning man holding you under for the chance at a breath. Under the timeless pain by these prisoners you are reduced to nothing.
Try again?