You try your hardest to fight the pull. No matter how much you try to leave the structure you slowly lose ground until you’re at the end of the hall, pulled into a massive chamber. It’s so large you can’t even see the other side, just fading into darkness.
As you gaze around, you quickly see what seems to be a massive skyscraper coming out of the wall of the planet sized chamber, leading to where you guess the core of this structure is. It’s hard to tell, but it seems like you can see a few dozen of them in the far distance in various directions, all leading to the darkness at the center.
With nothing much to do, as the hallway back still seems blocked with the force of the flow, you head to the nearest tower. As you move towards it you realize this may take a long time, it has to be hundreds of miles away. As you gain a sense of scale you guess the tower has to be miles and miles thick.
Hours or days later, you can’t tell, you reach the tower. Long ago you got a good look at the tower on approach and realized it’s not actually a tower, but an incredibly large chain. The monumental chain, and all the others dotted around the surface that you can see, all lead to the center. You really don’t want to know what might be chained up there, it can’t be anything good. You’re a bit glad the center seems to be shrouded by darkness.
-Investigate the chain
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