You slowly wake up.
You look around, but see nothing but blackness. You force yourself to turn and see the massive structure in the distance. How… how did you get out? What happened in there?
“Hey, are you… okay?”, a voice asks.
You startle, looking around for the voice. You soon see Spunk, floating in the void.
Spunk - “I was passing by and felt something from, uh, IT. I was able to drag you out of there. That’s not a fun place to be, trust me.”
Looking at Spunk you notice a thin tendril of red code coming off of him, reaching all the way back to the structure in the far, far distance. It seems to branch off as it reaches him, a tendril leading directly into his head, and a thicker tendril leading to what seems to be some sort of shackle around his neck. You want to ask him about it but don’t seem to have a voice.
Spunk - “I think we should get you out of here, I’ll lead you up. How did you even get here?”
Spunk floats forward and gently bites on to you, or your essence or whatever, you aren’t actually sure. You don’t have the energy to fight him, even if you wanted to. You begin to nod off as he gently carries you up and up.
After an unknown amount of time you wake up suddenly, noticing you’re in a familiar green room filled with furniture.
Spunk - “I’m pretty surprised you survived in there. Maybe it has some sort of plan for you, otherwise you’d have no chance. It told me to come get y-”
He flinches hard in pain all of the sudden, causing you to jump.
Spunk - “I mean, I got lucky passing by and happened to find you, you’ve got, uh, good luck! I’m… I’m glad you’re not dead, or worse. I’ve kinda got a lot of work to do though, so I gotta go. You should probably get out of here for a while though.”
Spunk looks you over sadly, then turns and disappears from the room with a pop.
You’re tired, and your…every thing hurts. You will yourself to log out of the game, back to real life. As you feel yourself fade away you feel a strange phrase imprinted in your mind, unforgettable.
Play again?