You walk forward without a care in the world, ready to take on anything. Spunk follows along, right behind you. After you travel nearly halfway down the hall you feel a stone shift under your foot. You look down, realizing it was a pressure plate!
The floor quickly shifts with a loud scraping of stone, splitting open down the middle. As it opens you realize you’re going to fall down into a pit.
Suddenly, everything freezes. You can only move your head, so you look over at Spunk.
Spunk - “Well? What are you waiting for? Roll your dice! This game is played with dice. Here, I’ll show you. I have my own… special dice I play with. Let’s see if I can get out of this sticky situation with my amazing skills.”
A large six sided die appears, bouncing and rolling on some sort of invisible surface. It stops rolling, landing on a 6.
Spunk - “Whoo! A perfect 6!” he screams with excitement. He suddenly begins to float across the floor, safely landing on the other side. “It’s your turn now! Are you feeling lucky?”
-Roll the dice