As you fall through the void, you look down and see an evil red-ish brown glow, like old blood. A sense of impending doom fills you as you get closer and closer.

As you rocket towards the small glow it begins to grow in size. You realize it’s not small, it’s MASSIVE. The closer you get the bigger it gets, it has to be nearly the size of a planet!

You fear you’ll smash into the structure like an asteroid, but right before you impact it you suddenly stop cold. In front of you is a wall of red-ish brown code, filling your entire vision. A small doorway sits in front of you, leading into the… thing.

You feel a sense of death coming from inside, a mind-numbing level of hatred. It doesn’t seem directed at you specifically, but at everything. Whatever is inside feels like it would end the world, if given the chance.

-Investigate the structure
-Enter the structure