You want to enter the structure but realize you aren’t actually sure how to move, you don’t even seem to have a body. As you ponder on the situation and envision moving into the structure you actually start to move. It seems like willing yourself to move does the trick.

As you approach the doorway you hesitate outside. Maybe this isn’t a good idea…

As you pause you are yanked inside by an unknown force!

You look around frantically to find yourself in a long hallway made of the same code. The walls seem to be packed with thousands upon thousands of faces and hands reaching out to grab you, but they seem restrained. You should be able to squeeze down the hallway though, if you’re careful.

You begin to carefully float down the hall, trying to stay out of the reach of the walls, floor, and ceiling. As you move further and further down you begin to pick up speed. You try to slow down, but realize you’re actually being pulled towards the end!

You fight against the force but it’s too strong. You do slow, but you’re fighting a losing battle. It’s only a matter of time.

-Try to fight against the flow for as long as you can
-Grab one of the reaching hands