You decide to move down the hallway, slowly and carefully.
Nearly halfway down the hall you notice a large stone sticking slightly out of the floor. You’re pretty sure it’s some sort of pressure plate to a trap. You side-step around it, continuing on when you suddenly hear a loud scraping of stone.
“Oops”, Spunk says.
You turn around to see a large section of the floor splitting open. Thankfully you’re past the trap, but you see the world suddenly pause right before Spunk is forced to fall in. Spunk sees your surprise.
Spunk - “Oh, don’t worry. This game is played with dice, so I just need to roll a 6 to get past this.”
He casually summons a die, which immediately lands on a 6 somehow. The world unpauses as he is lifted and moved to sit next to you. “Shall we continue”, he asks?
You continue down the hall to the intersection and look around. To your left you see a large locked door. To your right is a doorway with more stairs leading down. Straight ahead… you’re not quite sure what you’re seeing. It leads to blackness darker than anything you’ve seen, but it seems to crackle and jump. It almost seems glitchy.
Spunk - “Alright, so we can go left or right. Wanna try to open that door, or go down to the next floor? There used to be a boss fight straight ahead, but I guess I ate the code for that area, so we can’t go that way anymore. No idea what happens in there. I once sent someone in there, but I never saw them again. I heard them for a while though, months of screaming. It took forever for them to shut up.”
-Try to open the locked door
-Head deeper in the dungeon.