Spunk jumps up excitedly with a “WAHOOO!”
He turns and stomps down the dungeon hallway towards a large ominous doorway, you can see stairs leading down.
Spunk - “I’ve ALWAYS wanted to play this with someone! Well, maybe not always, I only started eating this game a while ago, but I want to play before it’s all gone!”
You follow behind him, down the stairs deeper into the dungeon.
You soon arrive at the bottom and see large glowing text appear for a few moments.
Spunk - “Alright, we made it. I’m a magic class, as I’m magically classy”, he says with a wink. “I’m also a bit of a glass cannon, one hit and I’m done for. Why don’t you go ahead and get hit with the traps ahead. I mean, uh, find and disarm them for me. For us, I mean.”
You look around, but find there isn’t much to look at. Around you is a large stone hallway, lit with dim torches. The walls are made of large and ancient stone blocks, some moss or something growing in between the cracks in some places.
Far ahead of you seems to be some sort of intersection, but it’s a ways off.
-Advance slowly and carefully
-Walk forward like you own the place